Colorful Dreams

Submitted in response to Words Alive’s prompt, Stuck Inside but Writing Outside the Box

A colored pencil’s life is spectacular!! I’m telling you this because me and my buddies have professionalism. I live in a box with all my varicolored friends, it’s a fascinating world down here even though we are in a box and we all are tight and Incommodious together. Sometimes we do have our small debates on color rearranging but it’s the order we put back into. When we swoosh softly around making tracks of our magnificent color to design such wonderful images on paper makes us feel exuberant!! The feeling of a slick pathway on paper and creating a kid’s phenomenal imagination! We love our job of adding such magnificent vivid colors to your creations! When the time is over to color or you no longer feel the excitement to color with us we feel gloomy inside, also when some of our friends go missing under the couch. But looking on the bright side we love the feeling of being able to color with you!!