Omnipotent Paradox

Today, a puzzling thought occurred to me, which was that if God is incredibly powerful, then they should be able to create a rock so heavy that even they can’t lift it. However, if they cannot lift it, then they’re not completely powerful. After further research, I discovered this was called the omnipotent paradox.

As the days progressed, I began to do further research, and I looked at the two types of infinity. The first is countable infinity, which is just counting by a set amount up to infinity (1, 2, 3...). However, the type of infinity I found that could possibly put god’s power into perspective is uncountable infinity. This type of infinity is the number of decimals between any two numbers. By using this we can find the smallest number, which is 0.01. Moreover, in the bible or any other religious book, it never actually says that god is omnipotent. Therefore, we can safely assume that God is an infinitely small amount of all powerful, or more than omnipotent.