Mindfulness & The Brain

Post by Mindfully Empowered in partnership with Words Alive!

Did you know that so much of what we think and feel comes from what is happening in our brains?  And, did you know that learning about your brain can help you understand and manage your thoughts and feelings and how you respond to others? In this video, we’d like to introduce you to your brains and how they work, specifically what happens when we are overwhelmed with challenging or difficult emotions.  

In this video, we will also be using a Mind Jar to help us understand our brains and as a tool for calming down in times of stress. 

One way to make the jar is to start with a clear jar or  empty, clear bottle. Add in one small bottle of clear glue, fill the rest with water, and add in any glitter of your choosing!

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If you don’t have those items around your house, there are other ways to make a similar jar. In an empty jar or bottle, fill it ⅓ of the way with water and add several drops of food coloring.  Mix it up so that the food coloring is evenly dispersed. Then, fill the rest of the container with vegetable oil. You will get a similar sensory experience.

Make it Lit with Words Alive!

Reading Extension: Click to read the full articles below!

“The Amazing, Tumultuous, Wild, Wonderful, Teenage Brain”
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” How many adults have asked an adolescent some form of that question? In his book, Brainstorm, a New York Times bestseller, Dr. Dan Siegel decided to go a step further and actually answer that question. The results are surprising—and very exciting.

“Why You Need a Self Care Plan”
Three reasons to map out your self-care needs and how to create your own unique plan. Plus, how to get yourself back on track when you falter.