A Few Ways to Cope

A Few Ways to Cope

Throughout life, we all experience many difficult and uncomfortable experiences and emotions. These days, it may feel like a tidal wave of stress, adversity, and uncertainty has hit us. There is no one way to cope; there are many. It is up to you to determine what you need and what you’ll do. The purpose of this writing exercise is to explore healthy coping strategies.

Economic Aid During the COVID -19

Economic Aid During the COVID -19

Everyone has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis, but the economically insecure have been hit the hardest. With food shortages, an extremely high unemployment rate, and business closures, the wealth gap has been exacerbated by the pandemic, and people are finding it harder and harder to make a living in these uncertain times. This article from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities provides some statistics and analysis on COVID-19’s economic impacts.

Defending Against Misinformation

Defending Against Misinformation

Over the past year, people have been scared and confused about the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Presidential Election, and more. Unfortunately, the media world hasn’t helped. The news has been filled with misinformation from social media, mainstream outlets, and even political and social figures. During a volatile time when people’s livelihoods and health are on the line, this phenomenon––unsurprisingly––has detrimental effects.

Powering through the Pandemic Together

Powering through the Pandemic Together

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many schools and businesses to close. This has caused many families to spend more time together in their homes. While this may be wonderful for some, it may be traumatic for others.

Emotions in Common

Emotions in Common

Write down all of the emotions you have felt regarding quarantine and COVID-19. Then, write down the emotions you have felt regarding the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the issues that have prompted it. From your list, what is one emotion that is the same between both?