Our Community Needs Books

Words Alive is committed to providing books to children in our community. Right now, the need is greater than ever.

Words Alive is collaborating with the Neighborhood House Association to provide book donations to families who are picking up food at meal distribution sites across San Diego. Words Alive is doing everything we can to get every single book we have out into the community in the next few weeks, and the books collected in recent book drives will help us do this. This means that we need your help to replenish our book shelves!

Book drive flyer.jpg

You can help by getting a jump start on your Spring cleaning and going through your home library looking for used children’s and young adult books to donate. There are four types of books that Words Alive cannot accept: religious books, adult books, reference / text books, or damaged books. Once you’re ready to donate your books, email a picture of your donation (or a “shelfie” as we like to call it!) to [email protected]. We’ll coordinate a time for you to come drop off your donation at our warehouse.

If you’re unable to leave your house, don’t worry! You can do a virtual book drive from your house. Our Amazon Wishlist is full of titles we will use in our programs, and the books ship directly to the Words Alive office. You can help and invite friends to participate also!

Reading is an escape from reality, and now, more than ever, we are going to provide that necessary escape for our community. Join us!