Meet Pranusha, our November Page Turner of the Month!

This month, we are happy to recognize Pranusha Appanabhotla as our Page Turner of the Month. Pranusha is a seventh grader from Menands, New York, and has been participating in Page Turners since November 2022. Since joining the Page Turners community, she has read 16 books, adding up to 49.5 hours and 3,666 pages. Here is what Pranusha said about her time volunteering with Words Alive! 

Tell us about yourself! 

I'm Pranusha, a 7th grader who loves reading, writing, and STEM building. If I'm not doing any of this, you can usually find me drawing away in my sketchbook! Ironically, all my hobbies are like puzzles; you have to work on it piece by piece...the final result looks nothing like how it started!! 

How did you come across Page Turners/Words Alive? 

I heard from a teacher, who recommended it to me! 

What are your hobbies/interests outside of volunteering? 

My hobbies are reading, writing stories, STEM building, and drawing! 

Has reading with Page Turners impacted your perspective on society or your community? 

Page Turners has definitely impacted my view on books; since the books that I read now, are not only for me but they are different worlds others can enjoy as well! Every page I turn, or see someone turn, I feel proud knowing that I provided that to another person in the world.  

What is your favorite book(s) so far? 

This is a very tricky question, though I would say that Mañanaland by Pam Muñoz Ryan and Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick would be the favorites! I would recommend them to everyone since the story plot is amazing and details in the books make you feel like it's real! 

Thank you, Pranusha, for all your time and dedication! We love having your words and energy here at Words Alive.  

If you would like to join Pranusha in this large community of Page Turners, sign up here.