52 Rules to Survive QuaranTEEN

It’s been just a week of school closures and virtual learning here in San Diego — and I’m already getting stir crazy. How are we going to survive this new era of social distancing? Am I right?

Let’s take a page out of Kwame Alexander’s Playbook and write our own rules to beat this thing.

Kwame Alexander’s The Playbook: 52 Rules to Aim, Shoot and Score in this Game Called Life is an inspirational book full of stories, motivational quotes and advice from athletes and role models such as Nelson Mandela, Serena Williams, LeBron James, Carli Lloyd, Steph Curry and Michelle Obama.

Check out this video from the author and listen for some encouraging tips straight out of The Playbook. Then, write your own rules for how to navigate this new world.

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