Let it R.A.I.N.

Post by Mindfully Empowered in partnership with Words Alive!

It’s been said that whatever we resist, persists. In other words, whenever we try to avoid or suppress what we’re feeling or experiencing, the more stressed or overwhelmed we feel without knowing why.  Can anyone relate? 

So, how do we do manage this?  A popular and effective mindfulness practice for investigating and managing emotions (which has the added bonus of helping us manage stress), is known as RAIN.

Make it Lit with Words Alive!

Journal Prompt:

Think about a time you recently felt a strong emotion and complete the R.A.I.N. steps above. Write about each step in the process.

R: Recognize. What emotion are you feeling?

A: Allow. Allow yourself to feel. What does it feel like? Write down some of your thoughts. Notice how the emotion feels in your body? Write down your observations. Do you feel a tightening in your chest?

I: Interact with Others. Make a list of who you can reach out to next time you need someone to talk to.

N: New Wave. How did it feel to allow yourself to ride the wave and lean into your emotions rather than try to avoid it? How did you feel once that strong emotion passed and you were onto the next wave?