2024 Social Media Volunteer of the Year: Megan Tam


Megan Tam is Words Alive’s Social Media Volunteer of the Year.

This award honors a volunteer who went above and beyond making sure the stories of our students, teachers, volunteers, and staff are shared worldwide with over 6,000 people each month..

“We are so impressed by and grateful for her efforts to manage everything related to our TikTok platform, which she practically single handedly revitalized last year,” said Words Alive’s social media lead volunteer. “From handling communications and content organization to managing TikTok strategy and implementation to educating Words Alive volunteers and staff on our newest social media platform, we are so grateful to have her part of the team!”

Megan is a junior in high school and loves to play sports (basketball, volleyball, and football are her favorites), oil paint, and volunteer at soup kitchens. She’s also an avid F1 fan and loves reading fantasy and romcom books. 

In addition to the Social Media Squad, Megan also volunteers as a Page Turner. Let’s hear from Megan about her work with Words Alive.

Why do you volunteer with Words Alive?

I volunteer because I love reading and I want to help others grow a love for reading.

Is there a story you’d like to share about working with Words Alive?

I volunteered with Words Alive as a Champion for the Champions for Youth fundraising competition. I think it's astonishing to see how much money we were able to raise and all the support we can give to underprivileged communities with that money. 

What are you reading right now?

Book cover of "Six of Crows" by Leigh Bardugo

The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, Part 2) by J.R.R. Tolkien

Any book recommendations?

Six of Crows by by Leigh Bardugo 

Meet Jesus, our March Page Turner of the Month!

Page Turner of the Month

This March, we are happy to recognize Jesus Rodriguez as Page Turner of the month! Jesus has been a Page Turner since December 2023 and has since read nine books, totaling 17.7 hours and 1,714 pages. This is what Jesus had to say about their time volunteering with Words Alive.  

Can you give a brief introduction of who you are? 

Hello! I am a 2nd year at UCLA studying Political Science and Public Affairs. Aside from my studying and reading, I am a BGS intern who serves students who have faced homelessness and were in the foster care system. In the future, I hope to work to create public policy that improves the lives of marginalized groups in Los Angeles. 

What are your hobbies/interests outside of volunteering? 

I love to cook traditional meals. Growing up in a Mexican household I loved to cook with my Abuelita every night and for any special occasion. My favorite dish to make was simple yet so flavorful, a classic shrimp taco.  

Has reading with Page Turners impacted your perspective on society or your community? 

It has allowed me to deepen my understanding of other diverse cultures within my community. I got the unique ability to read about their perspectives and the greater society as a whole.  

What is your favorite book(s) so far? 

Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me has been my absolute favorite by far. Seeing how this book tackles sensitive topics regarding relationships is important to read, especially as a college student learning the importance of friendships and how to manage them. 


Shout out to Jesus for all the time they’ve dedicated to Words Alive! We are so thankful for their participation and insight. 


If you would like to join Jesus in their participation, you can sign up to be a Page Turner here.  

Meet Lanie, our new Page Turners Intern!

Hi everyone! My name is Lanie, and I am the new Page Turners Intern. I am so excited to have this opportunity and be of any service to our Page Turners community! Literature and reading are my longest, consistent relationship. It was the first place that made me feel understood and that I wasn’t alone. I leaned into it more when both of my parents were deported by the time I was 12 years old. I sought out my confusion and frustration through books and discovered a plethora of people who felt the same as I did and shared similar experiences. I fell in love with the power of words and learning.   

I recently received my B.A. in English and a minor in Creative Writing where I focused on decolonizing the cannon and curriculum. My main aspirations lay on creating art—mostly performing and writing—but I mainly strive to have people feel that they have a place in this world. That they belong to take up space and are not alone. By sharing our stories, and listening and uplifting other folk’s experiences, we can become more compassionate with ourselves and one another. I believe we can accomplish this through learning because learning is liberation. I plan on either getting my masters in Hispanic Literature or becoming an immigration lawyer. I want to be an asset and resource for my community.

What intrigued you about Words Alive? What is your relationship with literacy and learning?

I came across Words Alive by fate. After college, I wanted to challenge myself with new experiences that aligned with my mission in life. Reading and learning is incredibly important to me because both my grandmother and mother sacrificed their girlhood so that my siblings and I could have an education. Reading and learning was my only solace growing up. Even though I didn’t have a support system in real life, I received visibility and support through art and literature. Literacy is such an important (and fun!) aspect in life, and I plan to help people learn to love it and challenge themselves to be critical thinkers. Words Alive’s mission is exactly what I was looking to getting into after college, and I am so excited to see where this journey takes me. 

What are your hobbies/interests outside of volunteering? 

In my free time, I like to read, write, and draw. I love to learn new facts and perspectives of historical events, so you will usually find me watching a YouTube video or show while writing or drawing. I have an Instagram under my performer pseudonym where I post my published work. I love being creative and challenging myself so I’m constantly changing hobbies, but reading and writing are my most consistent.

What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood and The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende.

Meet Yiyang

Yiyang stands facing the camera while holding her adorable light orange cat, Eggie

Yiyang with her cat Eggie

In February 2024, Words Alive excitedly welcomed Yiyang Hu to the team as our Curriculum Development Intern! A Baylor University alumnus, she is currently pursuing a master's degree in Developmental Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Her graduate studies have deepened her interest in curriculum development and instructional design, particularly how educational content and teaching strategies can significantly impact learning outcomes. At Words Alive, she hopes to explore these interests further and contribute to creating engaging and effective educational programs.

Fun fact: Yiyang is originally from Chengdu, China, also known as the hometown of pandas!

Now, a few words from Yiyang:

What intrigued you about Words Alive? Why did you want to join the team?

As a first-generation college student, I have a profound appreciation for the importance of education. The diversity and inclusivity of Words Alive deeply resonate with me. The organization is committed to making reading an integral part of everyone's life, especially for those families and individuals with limited economic, educational, and social resources. To me, Words Alive's efforts to enhance students' reading skills and promote reading awareness are crucial. In today's society, reading is not just a skill but an ability—a way to connect with the world. Innovative programs like the Adolescent Book Group and the Early Literacy Intervention model, to ensure that every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic status, has access to literacy and the benefits it brings is truly inspiring.

Furthermore, I am deeply moved by your dedication to the Family Literacy Program. Providing parents with tools and techniques to encourage their children to read help ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to access books and pursue their dreams. Knowing that Words Alive reaches thousands of students and families, helping them to develop critical reading and cognitive skills, and fostering a joy for reading, aligns perfectly with my own values of education and community service.

What are you most excited about in your new position?

In my new position, I am most excited about refining my technical skills, specifically enhancing my proficiency in instructional design with an emphasis on improving quality control for educational materials. My experience so far has been centered on creating lesson plans for classes of around 30 students. Now, I aim to further develop my skills in monitoring and enhancing the quality of educational content, ensuring alignment with best practices, and identifying areas for improvement. I also look forward to advancing my abilities in managing, organizing, and analyzing curriculum-related data to make well-informed recommendations for curriculum enhancements.

Additionally, I am eager to improve my program management and interpersonal skills. By actively engaging in the planning, execution, and evaluation of educational programs, as well as in post-program analysis, I hope to learn how to effectively match program objectives with educational outcomes, optimize program delivery, and employ data-driven strategies to measure program impact. Currently, I thoroughly enjoy participating in weekly meetings at Words Alive. The community here is incredibly supportive and kind, sharing successes, challenges, and priorities. I truly appreciate the collaborative atmosphere and the opportunity to contribute to our collective goals.

What is your relationship with literacy and learning?

My relationship with literacy and learning is itself a journey. From learning how to pronounce letters and words to reading my first sentence, I've built a valuable foundation and platform that would ultimately guide me towards success.

Book cover of Hans Christian Andersen’s Selected Fairy Tales. Book cover features a mermaid with long golden hair perched on  marble steps, her tail dipping into the body of water below

Hans Christian Andersen’s Selected Fairy Tales

This love I speak of is my passion for reading, writing, and literacy skills. From a young age, my parents instilled in me the value of reading, guiding me towards picking up books in my spare time. Growing up without the distractions of a cellphone, I found joy in the pages of books. Despite the increasing demands of academic life as I grew older, I've maintained the habit of reading, often indulging in books before going to bed. One of the books I cherished most in my childhood was Selected Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen. His tales, brimming with whimsy and intrigue, such as my favorite, The Emperor's New Clothes, for its humor and fun. The story is not only entertaining with its engaging plot and vivid characterizations but also easy to read and joyful. It imparts a profound lesson: truth and honesty are more valuable than superficial splendor and insincere flattery. This story taught me to value authenticity.

In essence, my relationship with literacy and learning is more than just a means to gain knowledge; it's a lifestyle that leads me to explore the world, understand humanity, and inspires a passion for education and personal development. Through my experiences and efforts, I hope to inspire others to also experience the joy and value that literacy and learning bring.

What are you currently reading?

Recently I am reading a book called The Courage to Be Disliked. There's a passage that resonated with me deeply, which I'd love to share:

"Life is not about measuring up to others' expectations, but about striving towards the best version of oneself. We do not live to meet the expectations of others, but to live out our own lives. Being spoken ill of or disliked is nothing to worry about because how someone views you is their issue to deal with."

Cover of the book "The Courage to be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. Book cover is white with simple blue, black, and green text, as well as a small picture of green trees and hills reflecting below

The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

As someone who often finds herself caught between sensitivity and a concern for others' opinions, this book has been a mirror, showing me the depth of my self-conflict. If you've ever felt paralyzed by worrying about what others think, if you're a people-pleaser who struggles to assert your own needs, or if you find it difficult to reject requests from others, I can't recommend this book enough. It offers a fresh perspective on how to navigate the world while being true to oneself.

PNC Bank: Inspiring Young Readers with Words Alive

BY ben hollingshead, WORDS ALIVE VOLUNTEER

“Individually we are one drop. Together we are the ocean” — Ryunosuke Satoro, renowned Japanese poet

PNC Bank, as part of their Grow Up Great® initiative, has a long history of partnering with organizations at the local and national levels to develop resources and programs that help prepare young children for success in school and life. In San Diego, PNC is collaborating with Words Alive’s Family Literacy Program to engage parents to promote positive reading habits at home.

The Family Literacy Program builds on research that shows that involving families in working directly with their children on learning activities at home is the most effective form of engagement. In 2022-23, the program reached 1,411 San Diego families and has a demonstrated track record of positive outcomes. Last program year, we saw 81% growth in the number of families who reported looking at books together every day and a 125% increase in the number of families who spent 20+ minutes looking at books together.

The Family Literacy Program will be able to positively impact additional San Diego families with generous funding from PNC. What is exciting is that PNC’s support is holistic: PNC employees are encouraged to volunteer, and the bank provides them with the time and resources to do just that. PNC employees will spend their time working in partnership with Words Alive as early literacy workshop instructors, support volunteers, delivery drivers for books/materials, and family outreach volunteers to speak with families who are not attending sessions to help troubleshoot, assist with logistics, and improve access.

“PNC Bank is excited to collaborate with Words Alive to prepare children in San Diego County for success in school and in life,” Alan Prohaska, PNC Bank Regional President. “Through volunteerism, financial support and community advocacy, this partnership will truly make a difference for the youngest learners in our community.”

The soon-to-be-transformed Volunteer Collaboration Center Powered by PNC Bank

In November 2023, PNC Bank sponsored Words Alive’s Volunteer Collaboration Center to support volunteer onboarding and training activities for current and prospective volunteers who work directly with children and families, develop curriculum, and support program operations. Currently under construction, the Words Alive Volunteer Collaboration Center Powered by PNC Bank honors the 1,000+ volunteers in San Diego and across the globe that power Words Alive every year.

Words Alive is incredibly grateful for a partner who consistently aims to lean into service and the community. Together we hope to empower families to build strong reading habits to discover the growth and the magic catalyzed by the love for books. 

Meet Corinna, our February Page Turner of the Month

Page Turner of the Month  

This February, we are happy to recognize Corinna Garcia as Page Turner of the month! Corinna has been a Page Turner since December 2023 and has since read six books, totaling 68.5 hours and 1,585 pages. This is what Corinna had to say about her time volunteering with Words Alive.  

Introduce Yourself!  

I currently live in Van Nuys, CA and my pronouns are she/her/hers. I am a senior at UCLA, double-majoring in Education and Political Science. I plan on taking a year for myself after graduation to study for the LSAT and gain experience working in a law firm. I volunteer at UCLA through different programs and work part-time. 

How did you come across Page Turners? 

I came across Words Alive through UCLA College Corps, which is a volunteer program through Peace Corps that I am involved in. 

What are your hobbies/interests outside of volunteering? 

Outside of volunteering and working, I enjoy going on dates with my fiancé, playing with our dog, and of course reading. Also, I enjoy discovering restaurants in the San Fernando Valley and playing trivia at Dave and Buster's. 

Has volunteering with Page Turners impacted your perspective on society or your community? 

I have enjoyed reading books for Words Alive because of their relatable messages and the diversity of reads that can become available to students. They have helped me see different perspectives and understand my position within my community. It is difficult to pick a favorite when the books I have read have given me access to so many different perspectives and understandings of people around me. 


Shout out to Corinna for all the time she’s dedicated to Words Alive! We are so thankful for her participation and insight. 


If you would like to join Corinna in her participation, you can sign up to be a Page Turner here.  

Words Alive Harnesses Power of Community to Raise More than $110,000


Words Alive was chosen to participate in the 2023-24 Champions For Youth Campaign, hosted by The Century Club and Farmers Insurance

Source: The Century Club of San Diego

“We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of the Champions for Youth campaign,” said Tracy Dahlkamp, MPA, Donor Engagement Manager for Words Alive, who oversaw this year’s campaign. “This is our sixth year participating but our strongest year yet!”

Champions for Youth is an exciting peer-to-peer fundraising campaign that ran from November 28 – January 28. Peer-to-peer fundraising allows Words Alive’s supporters to tap their immediate social circles, such as friends, co-workers, and family members. This year Words Alive had 38 people volunteer to create fundraising pages compared to 32 people in 2022-23.

“The opportunity to participate in the campaign was a fun and exciting way to share with friends the extraordinary mission of Words Alive!,” said Brian Fidler, a Words Alive board member. “So many of the people who made contributions wrote heartfelt and supportive notes of admiration for the work of Words Alive. My wife even organized a pickle ball fundraiser, which drew support far beyond the minimum requested donations.”

The work of the Fidlers along with other supporters generated 627 unique donations, which was first place in number of unique donations. These donations raised $59,281 for Words Alive. This impressive amount made Words Alive eligible for the Farmers Cares Bonus Pool. The 2024 Farmers Cares Bonus Pool is $235,000 and Words Alive received $52,834 in bonus funds, for a grand total of $112,115. This means for every $1 raised Words Alive actually received $1.89.

“What we find truly remarkable, and humbling, is the exceptional dedication of our volunteers who willingly take on the responsibility of fundraising on our behalf,” said Dahlkamp with a grateful smile. “Beyond generously giving their time to our program throughout the year, many amazing volunteers created their own peer-to-peer fundraising pages and enthusiastically raised thousands of dollars on our behalf. It’s so special for us to engage with our volunteers in this way and we are so grateful to be part of it!”

Meet Monica

By Vikki Bowes-Mok, Words Alive Volunteer

In July 2023, Words Alive welcomed Monica Griego as our Fundraising Campaign Manager. She will be spearheading “Writing Our Next Chapter,” which is a property improvement fund and a three-year capacity building campaign.

Photo of Monica in a white shirt in front of a Words Alive sign

Monica comes to us with a deep expertise in campaign leadership and fund development. She secured $1.3 million in federal funding to create the Northern New Mexico Rural Health Network, which addressed the Opioid Overdose Epidemic in rural communities. As Executive Director of the United Way of Northern New Mexico, she raised $500,000 in Community Action Funding to provide operational and programming support for more than 35 nonprofit organizations. In Colorado, Monica registered a record-breaking number of Latinos to vote as Statewide Field Director with Mi Familia Vota. Additional work experience includes Investment Bank Deutsche Banc Alex Brown, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, and the U.S. White House. Monica earned her Bachelors of Science degree in international law from Georgetown University's School Walsh School of Foreign Service and is a Certificate Holder in Latin American Studies. 

What intrigued you about Words Alive?

I was drawn to Words Alive by its mission and programs. I was impressed when I saw volunteers working in classrooms and engaging families around the joy of reading. There’s a special energy that comes from working with mission-driven people who truly believe their work is improving the literacy landscape of San Diego. After meeting the Words Alive staff, I knew right away I wanted to be a part of this team.

What are you most excited about in this position?

My job is special. I have the privilege of reaching out to former board members, founders, and dedicated donors to tell them about the progress our core programs are achieving and about our new Worldwide Headquarters building. I get to see their excitement and enthusiasm for Worlds Alive’s incredible trajectory. There’s always a look of deep appreciation and satisfaction on their faces. It’s their early work that enabled Words Alive to be where it is today: PGA Tour 2023 Charity of the Year, the top 1% of San Diego Nonprofits as ranked by the San Diego Business Journal, and in a beautiful Downtown San Diego office location. As we celebrate our 25th anniversary in 2024, I am connecting the early supporters with the board, staff and volunteers working at Words Alive today. Making those connections is very meaningful. The people powering Words Alive today is what makes me most excited about coming to work every day.

What is your relationship with literacy and learning?

As the first person in my family to go to college, I understand the importance of a quality education and becoming a global citizen through the joy of reading. I don’t think I’m smarter than other members of my family who didn’t graduate from a four-year accredited university. I’ve just had more exposure to books that have helped shape my understanding of the world and my place in it.

What are you currently reading?

21 Savage Is Finally Free to See the World. We Came Along for the Ride” in Rolling Stone magazine, January 2024

Meet Anadita, our January Page Turner of the Month

Page Turner of the Month 

We are so happy to recognize Anadita Upadhyaya as our Page Turner of the Month! Anadita has been a volunteer with us since August of 2022— in that time, she has read 13 books, adding up to an impressive 78.5 hours and 3,875 pages. Here is what Anadita wrote about her experience with Page Turners. 

1. Introduce Yourself! 
Hello! I’m Anadita Upadhyaya, an eighth grader with a love of reading and writing, along with a passion for working for the betterment of the community. Some of my interests include taekwondo and debate. On that note, I value family and community. I come from a family of educators, my grandfather was a professor, and my family puts high emphasis on reading and learning. So naturally, I discovered my love for reading as a young girl and have nurtured it to this day. 
2. How did you come across Page Turners? 
While searching for more ways to contribute to the community, I came across Page Turners. I was elated to come across an organization that enabled me to give others the joy of reading through reviewing books! 
3. What are your hobbies/interests outside of volunteering? 

I love to write, including creating poetry, along with partaking in sports such as taekwondo. Another one of my interests is public speaking, and I greatly enjoy and have had great success in debate! 
4. Has reading with Page Turners impacted your perspective on society or your community? 
Yes, Page Turners has had so much impact on my perspective! Through the diverse books I read, I’ve seen the world through the view of people with different lives, perspectives, and personalities. By walking in someone else's shoes, I’ve been able to understand more of how our society works, the issues in it, and how united we pave the path forward. 
5. What is your favorite book(s) so far? 
Each book brings something special to the table- and picking a handful out of the ones I discovered through Page Turners is no easy task. However, at the top of my never-ending list of favorites are Strange Birds: A Guide to Ruffling Feathers by Celia C. Pérez and Amari and the Night Brothers by B. B. Alston. 

Thank you, Anadita, for your work within the Page Turners Community! We truly appreciate the time you have put in and your thoughtful reviews.  

Join Anadita in her involvement with the Page Turners Community here.  

Page Turners: Reading as Volunteering

Think of a book you loved as a child. What drew you to the story? How was it different than other books? What made the characters relatable and interesting? Did you see people who looked and talked like you reflected in the pages?

At Words Alive, we are dedicated to utilizing diverse, engaging texts relevant to the lives of the children, teens, and families we serve. Our most popular volunteer program, Page Turners, was created to gather the input of volunteers from a wide range of ages, backgrounds, geographical regions, and life experiences to select the titles most likely to spark a love of reading among Words Alive’s participants. The result has been a remarkable increase in high-quality, diverse books used throughout Words Alive’s programming, increasing the chances of young people finding books meaningful to them.

Page Turners is an international network of volunteers who read and review books for Words Alive, marking the first step in our curriculum pipeline.

The Page Turners process:

  • Participants select a book to read from our curated book list - books recommended to us and/or in consideration for use in our programs - and sign up to read it.

  • Volunteers obtain the book through a library, bookstore, e-book, etc., and read it at their own pace.

  • Upon completion of the text, Page Turners submit a detailed review form about the book covering everything from themes of the book to identities of authors/characters to the best age range for the text. Of course, feedback about how fun, engaging, and interesting the reader found the book is incredibly important as well. We particularly love hearing the opinions of tween and teen Page Turners - they are, after all, the experts on young adult books!

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind was the most-loved Page Turners title of 2023! If you purchase through this link, Words Alive receives a portion of the proceeds.

Originally created to address the overwhelming amount of book recommendations Words Alive received - far more than our small staff could evaluate - Page Turners has grown to become Words Alive’s most popular volunteer program, engaging over 1,500 unique volunteers since the program formed in 2019. The flexibility of the self-paced, virtual role appeals to a range of ages, abilities, and schedules, while the sheer joy of reading new books makes for a unique and fun volunteer opportunity!

In addition to benefiting Words Alive’s programs and curriculum, Page Turners also profoundly impacts the volunteers themselves. Page Turners titles are intentionally selected to represent diverse identities and situations rarely featured in literature. By reviewing books that represent the student populations that we serve, Page Turners are exposed to a diverse array of narratives and perspectives that they may not have come into contact with before. 

“[Love Violet] painted a picture of a relationship that I had not previously thought deeply about,” says one Page Turners volunteer. “It gave me the opportunity to stretch my imagination which I believe will ultimately contribute further to my acceptance of people who are different from me. As a parent, I think this book helped give me vocabulary to discuss these topics with my child.”


Being able to contribute to an organization that prides itself on utilizing relevant, diverse texts is a strong motivation for many volunteers.

“I volunteer here because being able to ensure diverse books with accurate rep is something I had to search for,” says Jaz G., a longtime Page Turner. “So I want to help kids now find it.”

Whether Page Turners are reading and reviewing books from the heart of San Diego or thousands of miles away, their work is directly impacting the 5,000 children, teens, and families Words Alive serves each year. Thank you to every Page Turner who has taken the time to find the stories that inspire a love of reading in young San Diegans.